Starting your therapy journey is the biggest first step down the path of addressing and prioritizing your mental health. Here’s what that journey looks like.
You’re reading this because you’re researching how to treat anxiety in the moment. Enter: the 478 breathing technique. But what is it? And does it really work?
Feeling stuck in your head about things? You’re ruminating. Want to learn how to stop ruminating? Heck yes. Who wouldn’t? Well, strap in and let’s get started.
We know stress is bad, but what happens when normal stress becomes chronic stress? In that case, it’s a whole new animal. Here’s everything you need to know.
Mental illness vs personality disorder. Is personality disorder a mental illness, or are they separate things completely? Hey — fair question. Let’s answer it.
Two phrases that are often used interchangeably are mental illnes vs mental disorder. But what differentiates the two? It’s a “same but different” situation.
Is lovesickness a technical clinical diagnosis? No. But we’ve all felt the terrible pangs of classic lovesick symptoms. And they’re awful. Here’s how to cope.
Human beings make mistakes. Regret is all part of the game. But learning how to deal with regret is truly an art form. Here’s how to deal with it gracefully.
Every day we scroll and scroll and scroll some more through news feeds filled with bad news. That’s doomscrolling baby! But is it healthy? And how can you stop?
Are social situations tougher for you than for others? Do you worry a lot about rejection? If these issues are extreme, it may be avoidant personality disorder.
There are many similarities between both bipolar and PTSD, but they’re also two very different mental health disorders. Read on for a closer look at them both.
It can be tough to know if you have a mental illness or you're just going through a hard time. We can help you sort through the possibilities and figure it out.