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How to Lose Weight Without Exercising

Craig Primack, MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA

Reviewed by Craig Primack, MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA

Written by Rachel Sacks

Published 05/15/2024

Updated 08/17/2024

There are plenty of tips on how to lose weight fast without exercise, from sketchy pills to crash diets that do more harm than good. While the age-old advice to lose weight is to exercise and eat healthy, what if you can’t workout regularly? Can you lose weight without exercise?

Weight loss without exercise is possible because there’s more to weight management than just working out. Hitting your weight loss goals requires a multipronged approach, from what you eat to how much you move (don’t worry, we’ll explain the difference between this and exercising).

Below, we share tips on how to lose weight without exercising, including focusing on healthy nutrition, drinking plenty of water, getting quality sleep, considering weight loss medications, and more.

While staying active is important to your overall health, there are simple and safe ways to lose weight without exercise.

You’re probably well aware that maintaining a healthy weight has many benefits, like decreasing your risk of health conditions like cardiovascular issues and type 2 diabetes.

If you’re just starting your weight loss journey and you’re struggling to find the time for exercise, you might feel like you’ve already hit a roadblock. Many people find it difficult to get enough exercise. This is especially true for folks living with chronic pain, mental health disorders, or chronic conditions that affect energy levels.

But you can adopt plenty of other healthy habits to manage your weight and gain those health benefits.

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Several factors go into weight loss and management — physical activity is just one part of the equation.

The best part is there’s not one best way to lose weight without exercise — there are lots of things you can try, so you can find the ones that work best for you. Here are six lifestyle changes you can adopt for healthy weight loss.

Focus on Nutrition

If you’re looking for one top tip on how to lose weight when you can’t exercise, focus on what you eat.

While no specific diet is best for weight loss, experts generally recommend a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than you burn) and eating low-calorie foods.

But while lowering your calorie intake may work for some, a diet full of nutrients like lean proteins, fiber-rich foods like fresh fruit, veggies, whole grain carbs and healthy fats benefits everyone.

Using smaller plates may also help with portion control to reduce food intake, especially for higher-calorie foods.

You can also practice mindful eating, which is simply eating without distractions, focusing on what you’re eating and being present in the moment. This concentration on what you’re eating may help with weight loss.

High-protein diets have also been shown to effectively reduce body fat and overall body weight, as well as prevent weight from being regained after six months to a year.

While the amount of protein needed for weight loss varies by person, adding healthy snacks like hard-boiled eggs or Greek yogurt can up your protein intake and make you feel full longer.

Drink More Water

Regularly drinking water can also help you lose weight, so make sure you’re getting (at least) the eight glasses a day recommended for most adults.

Research shows replacing sugary beverages like juice or soda with water is one easy way to consume fewer calories, increase your water intake, and help weight loss efforts.

Consider Weight Loss Medications

Some people may benefit from the additional help of medications like metformin and Ozempic® to lose weight.

These type 2 diabetes medications can be prescribed off-label to people with obesity (or excess weight and a weight-related health problem like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes). Off-label use is when you’re prescribed a medication for something other than what it was FDA-approved for (in this case, type 2 diabetes).

GLP-1 injections like semaglutide (the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy®) can help reduce body weight when used alongside a balanced diet and regular movement.

One study sponsored by Novo Nordisk found that when people without diabetes took a weekly semaglutide injection, they had an almost 15 percent average decrease in weight.

If your exercise options are limited and you’re curious about different ways to lose weight, ask a healthcare provider about the benefits of weight loss medication and whether it might be right for your health journey.

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Move More Throughout the Day

You thought this was a guide on how to lose weight without exercising. So why are we talking about daily movement? Because an hour-long workout isn’t the only way to fit more movement into your life. Smaller bouts of movement throughout your day may also aid weight loss.

Many weight loss plans recommend an average of 30 minutes of moderate activity five days a week. This can be anything from walking to light yard work or anything else you enjoy that gets your heart rate up for a few minutes at a time.

If you have mobility issues, it helps to experiment with nontraditional ways to move your body. This could be as simple as making circles with your arms or using exercise bands for resistance training.

Additionally, NEAT exercise (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), like getting more steps in and sitting less throughout the day, could also help with weight loss, especially when paired with other healthy habits.

Reduce Stress

It's easier said than done, but avoiding stress may help you lose weight. This is because your stress levels can impact your appetite and cravings.

Stress is linked to the hormone cortisol, which is linked to eating and appetite. People with higher cortisol levels are more prone to overeating, as well as less likely to do physical activity than those who have lower levels of stress.

Obesity and stress are also closely linked, creating a cycle where stress leads to overeating, which worsens the stigma around weight, which leads to more stress and more emotional eating.

Practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or breathing patterns could help manage general stress, as well as stress around overeating or weight loss.

Get Plenty of Rest

How much sleep you get can affect your weight loss journey and even cause weight gain for some people.

Similarly to stress, poor sleep or lack of sleep may mess with your appetite by disrupting the hormones leptin and ghrelin.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends adults get seven or more hours of sleep each night. You can achieve adequate sleep by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, limiting screen time before bed and keeping your bedroom dark and quiet.

While physical activity is often touted as a way to lose weight, it’s just one of several factors in weight management. If you’re looking for simple ways to lose weight without exercise, various lifestyle changes can help.

  • Focus on your dietary choices. Eat whole foods and increase your water intake to reduce overeating and increase lean muscle mass.

  • Manage stress and get good sleep. Stress and sleep can impact your weight by affecting your appetite. Manage your stress levels with mindfulness techniques and aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

  • Get some help. You can also ask a healthcare provider about weight loss medications.

Everyone’s weight loss journey is different, and some people may not be able to include exercise on that journey. But weight loss without exercise is still possible. Focus on balanced, healthy eating and aim for some movement every day to manage your overall wellness.

You can also connect with a healthcare professional about a weight management program online today.

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