

Performance anxiety can take many forms. It can creep up during an important presentation at work, auditions or even interviews. If you are one who finds it disruptive to your performance, this could be an option. Propranolol is a drug sometimes prescribed by doctors to help control the physical symptoms of performance anxiety.

*Propranolol is not FDA-approved for the treatment of performance or other anxiety. Learn more about ‘off-label’ uses here

Is Propranolol right for me?

If you tend to experience the physical symptoms of anxiety during a public speaking engagement, interview, or audition – and find it disruptive to performing your best – this medication could help. Some of these symptoms may include a racing heartbeat, shaky voice or hands, dizziness, or sweating. Consult with a doctor about whether Propranolol is right for you

How does it work?

Propranolol is a beta-blocker that prevents adrenaline from making contact with your beta receptors, helping limit your body’s physical reactions to anxiety. By reducing these reactions, Propranolol can help you feel less of the physical symptoms of performance anxiety.

*Beta-blockers such as Propranolol are FDA approved to treat high blood pressure, angina and certain other conditions. Treatment for these conditions is not currently offered through hims. Propranolol and other beta-blockers are not specifically approved by the FDA for treatment of anxiety disorders and use of Propranolol for performance anxiety is an ‘off-label use’.

LEARN: What are off-label uses

How to use?

If your doctor prescribes Propranolol, Hers sends 5 pills per month - at the dose prescribed by your doctor. It is typically taken on an as-needed basis in a single dose 30-60 minutes prior to the stressful event, but make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions on dosage and timing.

Stay safe

Consult your doctor about any medications, supplements, or vitamins you may take in case of drug interactions. Additionally, make sure to read all of the important safety information and use our platform to consult with a doctor if you are experiencing side-effects.

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*Propranolol is not FDA-approved for the treatment of performance or other anxiety. Learn more about ‘off-label’ uses here